Juodojo šokolado Privalumai: 9 Būdai, Kurie Gali Padėti (įskaitant Svorio Netekimą, Odos Ir širdies Sveikatą)


Video: Juodojo šokolado Privalumai: 9 Būdai, Kurie Gali Padėti (įskaitant Svorio Netekimą, Odos Ir širdies Sveikatą)

Video: Juodojo šokolado Privalumai: 9 Būdai, Kurie Gali Padėti (įskaitant Svorio Netekimą, Odos Ir širdies Sveikatą)
Video: Didelė persimonų nauda sveikatai 2024, Balandis
Juodojo šokolado Privalumai: 9 Būdai, Kurie Gali Padėti (įskaitant Svorio Netekimą, Odos Ir širdies Sveikatą)
Juodojo šokolado Privalumai: 9 Būdai, Kurie Gali Padėti (įskaitant Svorio Netekimą, Odos Ir širdies Sveikatą)

Juodasis šokoladas yra apkrautas maistinėmis medžiagomis ir yra puikus antioksidantų šaltinis. Aišku, jo skonis yra nuodėmingai saldus, tačiau pasilepinus juo nebereikia jaustis kaltu!

Tyrimai teigia, kad vidutinis juodojo šokolado vartojimas gali padėti numesti svorio. Tai gali sumažinti riebalų virškinimą ir absorbciją bei padidinti sotumą (1).

Juodasis šokoladas taip pat gali būti naudingas odai ir širdžiai. Tai yra stiprių antioksidantų ir kitų svarbių maistinių medžiagų šaltinis. Jame yra 50–90% kakavos sausųjų medžiagų, kakavos sviesto ir cukraus. Jame taip pat gali būti sviesto pėdsakų, nors daugeliu atvejų mažai tikėtina.

Šiame įraše mes išsamiai išnagrinėsime, ką tyrimai mums pasakoja apie juodąjį šokoladą. Taip pat panagrinėsime galimą šalutinį poveikį, kurį gali sukelti valgymas per daug juodojo šokolado.


  • Kuo juodasis šokoladas jums naudingas?
  • Koks yra juodojo šokolado maistinis profilis?
  • Kaip išsirinkti sveikiausią juodąjį šokoladą
  • Koks yra tamsaus šokolado šalutinis poveikis?

Kuo juodasis šokoladas jums naudingas?

Juodajame šokolade esantys kakavos flavanoliai prisideda prie daugumos jo pranašumų. Šie flavanoliai turi antioksidacinį poveikį, kuris skatina širdies sveikatą, padeda kovoti su vėžiu ir stiprina smegenų veiklą. Juodasis šokoladas taip pat gali padėti numesti svorį.

1. Gali sumažėti svoris

Saikingas juodojo šokolado vartojimas gali padidinti sotumą ir sukelti svorio netekimą.

Tyrimai rodo, kad juodasis šokoladas gali turėti reikšmės metant svorį. Tai gali sumažinti riebalų rūgščių sintezėje dalyvaujančių genų ekspresiją. Tai sumažina riebalų ir angliavandenių virškinimą ir absorbciją, taip padidindamas sotumą (1).

Juodojo šokolado vartojimas taip pat gali būti naudingas mažinant kūno svorį nutukusių moterų svoriui (būklė, kai kūno riebalų perteklius normalus kūno masės indeksas) (2).

Tačiau saikas yra pagrindinis dalykas. Vos 100 gramų juodojo šokolado yra apie 600 kalorijų (3). Taigi, per dieną neturėkite daugiau nei vieno kubo juodojo šokolado.

2. Gali apsaugoti jūsų odą

Juodajame šokolade esantys flavanoliai gali apsaugoti odą nuo saulės pažeidimų.

Tyrimai rodo, kad maistiniai kakavos flavanoliai apsaugo nuo šviesos ir pagerina odos kraujotaką (4).

Šis poveikis gali būti siejamas su antioksidantais (ypač flavanoliais) juodajame šokolade (4).

3. Gali sustiprinti širdies sveikatą

Juodojo šokolado antioksidantai gali sumažinti širdies ligų riziką, užkertant kelią oksidacijai, sumažinant blogojo cholesterolio kiekį ir padidinant gerojo cholesterolio kiekį.

Įprastas šokolado vartojimas gali sumažinti koronarinės širdies ligos riziką. Tyrimai parodė, kad juodasis šokoladas gali turėti daugiau naudos nei pieninis šokoladas. Viena pagrindinių šio efekto priežasčių galėtų būti juodo šokolado flavonoidai (5).

Kai kurie šaltiniai teigia, kad juodasis šokoladas gali skatinti azoto oksido gamybą, kuris atpalaiduoja kraujagysles ir sustiprina kraujotaką. Tačiau tam reikia daugiau tyrimų.

Nėra įrodymų, kad tie, kurie rūpinasi širdies ir kraujagyslių sveikata, turėtų vengti juodojo šokolado (arba apskritai šokolado) (5).

Tyrimai rodo, kad juodojo šokolado valgymas daugiau nei penkis kartus per savaitę buvo susijęs su 57% mažesne koronarinės širdies ligos rizika (6).

Mes žinome, kad juodasis šokoladas gaminamas iš kakavos. Kaip skelbiama Japonijos tyrime, kakavos milteliuose esantys polifenoliai gali sumažinti MTL (blogąjį cholesterolį), pakelti DTL (gerąjį cholesterolį) ir slopinti oksiduotą MTL (7).

Problema yra ne MTL, o oksiduota MTL. Kakavos antioksidantai gali užkirsti kelią MTL oksidacijai (8).

4. Gali skatinti smegenų funkciją

Juodajame šokolade esantys flavonoliai gali pakelti nuotaiką ir pagerinti pagyvenusių žmonių pažinimo sveikatą.

Tyrimo, atlikto su penkiais sveikais asmenimis, metu nustatyta, kad juodojo šokolado (70% kakavos) suvartojimas pagerina elgesio ir smegenų sveikatą (9). Tačiau toliau tiriami šie mechanizmai.

In a second study conducted by the same team, dark chocolate was found to improve neural signaling and sensory perception (10).

Regular intake of cocoa flavanols may also be effective in improving cognitive health in the elderly with mild mental impairment (11).

Dark chocolate also promotes mood and may alleviate emotional stress. However, we need further research to understand the mechanisms involved (12).

Dark chocolate also contains a compound called epicatechin, which was found to reduce brain damage in the eventuality of a stroke (13). But not all dark chocolate is created equal. Hence, ensure you go through the list of ingredients.

5. Might Aid Cancer Prevention

Rat studies highlight a possible link between dark chocolate intake and colon cancer prevention (14). A diet including dark chocolate was found to reduce cell proliferation and inflammation.

Daily intake of small amounts of flavanols from dark chocolate and other sources may be a natural approach to potentially prevent colon cancer. However, we need more research in this regard (15).

According to the American Cancer Society, the flavanols in cocoa beans (dark chocolate) may help reduce damage to cells. But as per the report, the results don’t state if the anticancer effects could be attributed to dark chocolate, or if it’s the flavanols alone, which could be found in other foods as well (16).

Dark chocolate cocoa also contains high concentrations of catechins and procyanidins that may have a beneficial effect against oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, which both are risk factors for cancer (17).

6. May Aid Diabetes Treatment

Consuming dark chocolate may lower blood sugar levels, as per some studies.

It is possible that the cocoa polyphenols in dark chocolate can directly influence insulin resistance and reduce diabetes risk. They may induce the generation of pancreatic beta-cells and stimulate insulin secretion, thereby lowering blood sugar levels. More studies need to be performed to further analyze the anti-diabetic effects of dark chocolate (18).

However, reports hint that dark chocolate may have some adverse effects (although only rarely) on people who have diabetes. But this is yet to be validated by strong research.

7. May Enhance Vision

In a study, dark chocolate exhibited a better ability to improve visual acuity than its white counterpart. This effect was only temporary (for about two hours), however. The long-term effects of dark chocolate on vision health need further research (19).

8. May Promote Gut Health

The good microbes in the gut, namely Bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria, ferment dark chocolate and produce anti-inflammatory compounds (20).

In another study, the consumption of foods rich in cocoa flavanols could significantly improve the growth of beneficial gut bacteria (21). Although further research is required, this is a promising finding.

9. May Improve Hair Health

Dark chocolate is rich in cocoa. This cocoa contains proanthocyanidins, compounds that were known to promote hair growth in animal studies (22).

In mice, proanthocyanidins were found to induce the anagen phase of hair growth (23). Anagen is the active growth phase of hair follicles where the hair root divides rapidly, adding to the hair shaft.

More research is warranted to understand if dark chocolate can actually have any impact on hair health.

We have seen some of the nutrients that make dark chocolate beneficial to human health. In the following section, we will further explore its nutritional profile.

What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Dark Chocolate?

Calories Amounts Per Selected Serving Total Carbohydrate
Total Fat
Protein Amounts Per Selected Serving Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) Vitamin K Amounts Per Selected Serving Calcium

A bar of dark chocolate (100 grams) with 70-80% cocoa content contains about 600 calories. That is a lot, but obviously, you aren’t going to consume 100 grams of dark chocolate every day (we don’t recommend you do that either).

One ounce of dark chocolate (28 grams) contains about 3 grams of fiber, 27% DV of manganese, 25% DV of copper, 19% DV of iron, and 16% DV of magnesium.

The much-discussed goodness of dark chocolate comes from its cocoa content. Cocoa is replete with plant chemicals (called flavanols) that may protect the heart. It contains two to three times more flavanol-rich cocoa solids than its milk cousin.

The other important nutrients in dark chocolate include iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, and phosphorus – all of which contribute to your overall health (3).

As we discussed, not all dark chocolate is created equal. The market is flooded with different brands. How do you pick the best of the lot?

How To Choose The Healthiest Dark Chocolate

Not every dark chocolate is created equal. There are a few things to keep in mind before you go ahead and pick your bar of dark chocolate.

How To Choose The Healthiest Dark Chocolate
How To Choose The Healthiest Dark Chocolate

Though beneficial, dark chocolate can cause certain undesirable effects.

What Are The Side Effects Of Dark Chocolate?


Owing to the caffeine in dark chocolate (and chocolate, in general), excess intake can lead to anxiety issues (24). Hence, consume it in moderation.

Heart Arrhythmia

Dark chocolate does have great benefits for the heart. But the caffeine it contains may cause irregular heartbeat in susceptible individuals. Some research shows a link between chocolate, caffeine, and arrhythmia (25). Hence, moderation is key.


Cocoa might interfere with blood sugar control in diabetes patients (26). More research is ongoing in this regard. Please check with your doctor if you can have dark chocolate if you have diabetes.

Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

For pregnant and breastfeeding women, dark chocolate (and other chocolate, in general) is safe in normal amounts. Don’t go overboard (due to its caffeine content) (27). Consume in moderation.

Other Possible Issues With Caffeine

The caffeine in dark chocolate may also aggravate the following conditions (individuals with these conditions must consume dark chocolate in moderation):

  • Diarrhea
  • Glaucoma
  • High blood pressure
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Osteoporosis

However, there is less information if dark chocolate by itself may cause any of these issues. Please consult your doctor in case you have any of the health conditions.


Dark chocolate is a healthful delicacy. It contains important antioxidants that promote human health. But it also comes with too many calories. Hence, moderation is key. Ensure you have not more than an ounce (or even half) in a day to enjoy its benefits without any issues.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How is dark chocolate different from milk chocolate?

While dark chocolate contains the most cocoa content, milk chocolate is primarily made of milk solids. Dark chocolate also tastes slightly bitter, as opposed to its cousin that tastes milky.

Does dark chocolate contain caffeine?

Yes. In fact, it contains more caffeine than regular milk chocolate. This is because of the high cocoa content in dark chocolate.

How much dark chocolate can you eat in a day?

You may want to stick to 1 to 2 ounces of dark chocolate per day. This can translate to 1 to 2 chocolate ‘squares’ in a dark chocolate bar.

Can you eat dark chocolate at night?

Yes, you can eat dark chocolate at night. There are no contraindications.

Is chocolate bad for the kidneys?

Chocolate usually contains potassium. If you have an advanced stage of kidney disease, check with your doctor before consuming chocolate as potassium could stress the kidneys. Otherwise, chocolate is not bad for the kidneys.

Does dark chocolate cause pimples/acne?

There is no research stating that chocolate may cause acne or pimples. A high-sugar or a high-fat diet may increase sebum production and the chances of acne. If you have acne, you may want to limit your intake of chocolate, among other foods that are high in sugar or fat.

Can dark chocolate cause weight gain?

If consumed in excess, it may add to your weight. Dark chocolate is high in calories. We suggest you stick to an ounce or less of dark chocolate a day.

Is dark chocolate good for babies?

Usually, yes, but in moderation. However, your baby may not like the bitter taste of dark chocolate.

26 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Dark chocolate: an obesity paradox or a culprit for weight gain?, Phytotherapy Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of dark chocolate in a population of Normal Weight Obese women: a pilot study, European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences.


  • Chocolate, dark, 70-85% cacao solids, FoodData Central, U. S. Department of Agriculture.


  • Habitual chocolate consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease among healthy men and women, Heart, British Medical Journals.


  • Chocolate Consumption is Inversely Associated with Prevalent Coronary Heart Disease: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Family Heart Study, Clinical Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Plasma LDL and HDL cholesterol and oxidized LDL concentrations are altered in normo- and hypercholesterolemic humans after intake of different levels of cocoa powder, The Journal of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Daily cocoa intake reduces the susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein to oxidation as demonstrated in healthy human volunteers, Free Radical Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Dark chocolate (70% organic cacao) increases acute and chronic EEG power spectral density (μV2) response of gamma frequency (25–40 Hz) for brain health: enhancement of neuroplasticity, neural synchrony, cognitive processing, learning, memory, recall, and mindfulness meditation, The FASEB Journal.


  • Dark chocolate (70% cacao) effects human gene expression: Cacao regulates cellular immune response, neural signaling, and sensory perception, The FASEB Journal.


  • Benefits in cognitive function, blood pressure, and insulin resistance through cocoa flavanol consumption in elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment: the Cocoa, Cognition, and Aging (CoCoA) study, Hypertension, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • The neuroprotective effects of cocoa flavanol and its influence on cognitive performance, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • The flavanol (-)-epicatechin prevents stroke damage through the Nrf2/HO1 pathway. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of dark chocolate on azoxymethane-induced colonic aberrant crypt foci, Nutrition and Cancer, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Preventive Effects of Cocoa and Cocoa Antioxidants in Colon Cancer, Diseases, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Is Chocolate Good for You?, American Cancer Society.


  • Cancer protective properties of cocoa: a review of the epidemiologic evidence, Nutrition and Cancer, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Use of dark chocolate for diabetic patients: a review of the literature and current evidence, Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of Milk vs Dark Chocolate Consumption on Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity Within 2 Hours, JAMA Ophthalmology.


  • The precise reason for the health benefits of dark chocolate: mystery solved, American Chemical Society.


  • Prebiotic evaluation of cocoa-derived flavanols in healthy humans by using a randomized, controlled, double-blind, crossover intervention study, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


  • Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Alopecia: A Comprehensive Review, Skin Appendage Disorders, Karger.


  • Procyanidin oligomers selectively and intensively promote proliferation of mouse hair epithelial cells in vitro and activate hair follicle growth in vivo, The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Caffeine Concentrations in Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and Energy Drink Flavored E-liquids, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Supraventricular tachycardia induced by chocolate: is chocolate too sweet for the heart?, The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of Cocoa Antioxidants in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Antioxidants, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.



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20 Stilingų 60-ųjų šukuosenų, Kurias Reikia Išbandyti
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20 Stilingų 60-ųjų šukuosenų, Kurias Reikia Išbandyti

60-tieji metai buvo žavingas laikas!Bet anuomet niekas nebuvo pasakiškiau už plaukus. Šukuosenos, tokios kaip avilys ir žavinga hipsterio išvaizda, kurią šiandien matote, anuomet buvo dar didesnės. Nesileiskime net į didelius plaukus, nes tai buvo DIDELIS!Ar malonu

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Turėti apvalų veidą nėra lengva, ypač kalbant apie puikias šukuosenas. Ar ilgi plaukai atrodo geriau, ar trumpi? Ar galiu apsieiti be kirpčiukų? Ar galiu išbandyti kažką nervingo? Tiek daug klausimų ir jokio atsakymo - na, ne iki šiol. Mes, „StyleC